Learn the Truth about How Sandal ka sharbat is Effective for stomach burn

How Sandal ka Sharbat is effective for Stomach burn is a question frequently asked by people suffering from Stomach burn. Stomach burn is an uncomfortable condition where the acid in the stomach regurgitates back up into the esophagus. There are several causes of Stomach burn, ranging from overeating to eating certain foods that trigger acid reflux. This can be prevented by not taking anything too close to bedtime or by adjusting your eating habits when you find yourself getting Stomach burn.

Desi Ghee | Best Desi Ghee Benefits in Health | Ajmal Dawakhana Hakim

Desi Ghee is a rare Indian herb that is both antiseptic and skin moisturizer. It originated in the state of Rajasthan. Although it has not been clinically tested, many claim the benefits derived from the treatment are real. The National Health and Medical Research Council in India have approved Desi Ghee as being effective in improving skin quality and the functioning of the body’s immune system. It has been used by the Indians for hundreds of years and is still widely used today. In India, it

Honey | Health Benefits of Honey | Honey is best for diet |Ajmal Hakim

Did you know that there are many health benefits to having honey in your diet? The list of healthy uses for honey is quite long and the actual honey itself has been used in medicine throughout the ages. Over time, it’s proven to be one of the best natural remedies for a number of different conditions. Honey is an excellent source of antioxidants. Many people don’t realize just how important these are for the health of your body. When something is damaged inside the body it needs to be repaired,

Stomach Problems Treatment

What You Can Do to Relieve Yourself From Irritating Belly Backs: One of the first things that anyone who is suffering from stomach problems would want to know is that the best stomach problems treatment is. In fact, having stomachache or any type of digestive problems should be taken seriously as these problems may become more serious in a matter of time. There are a lot of people who visit doctors and get different treatments and medications but most of these people are not able to get rid of